Ready to deploy and manage some Tanzu containers? You need to start by installing the CLI package on the machine that will be used to communicate with the clusters.
Below is a list of commands to help you get familiar with the download process for the Tanzu kubernetes cli package. These steps were extremely helpful to me, and I hope that you find them useful too!
Run the wget command to download the package for Linux operating systems.
# wget https://x.x.x.x/wcp/plugin/linux-amd64/
Run the unzip command to extract the downloaded zip package.
# unzip
Configure the environment variable PATH to include the extracted bin directory and set up tab autocompletion.
# echo 'export PATH=/root/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bash_profile .
# echo 'source <(kubectl completion bash)' >> ~/.bash_profile .
To read the ~/.bash_profile file, run the cat command.
# cat ~/.bash_profile
The output of the file, will look like the following example.
export PATH=/root/bin:$PATH
source <(kubectl completion bash)
source <(kubectl completion bash)
Disclaimer: “I am a member of the Tanzu Vanguard community. As an active member, I am passionate about Tanzu and its offerings and willingly share my knowledge and experience with the world. I am not a representative of VMware. My views are my own. If you’d like to learn more about Tanzu Vanguard, please visit”