Things to look forward to – VMware Explore 2024

  • Nvidia GPU raffle: Last year Jensen Huang (Nvidia CEO) raffled 5x RTX 4090 video cards signed personally by him, announced while he was on stage.
  • Hands-On Labs: Take advantage of instructor led sessions going over freshly released content/labs. Last year I was lucky enough to play with VMware Live Cyber Recovery during one of these sessions myself.
  • Solutions Exchange: How many days does it take to learn your way through all the vendors booths?
  • Odyssey’s Challenge: Show off your skills within multiple VMware products by completing daily timed challenges.
  • IT celebrities: Never miss a chance start a conversation or take a selfie with some of the IT people you have been following online for years (CEO, VCDX, Influencers, etc). I’ve been privileged to have met many of them over the years and let me tell you, it is a small world after all.
  • VMUG after-party: Last year there was a nice event at the Pinball Museum. Where do you think it will take place this year?
  • Mclaren F1 Simulator: Make sure to look for the F1 racing sim and break some records!
  • Puppy Playground? Nothing officially announced yet, but hopefully they bring puppies to the solutions exchange again!
  • The Vegas Sphere: Not the OG vSphere, but the Vegas one built for events/converts/etc. It wasn’t quite ready last year (only amazing exterior displays), but it is fully open to the public now!