Popular Cybersecurity Acronyms

Can you keep up with all the acronyms across the IT world? You are NOT the only one…
Let me help you with the most popular Cybersecurity ones that keep popping up during conversations with clients.

  • Personal Top 5
  • EDR – Endpoint Detection and Response
  • IDS – Intrusion Detection System
  • IPS – Intrusion Prevention System
  • XDR – Extended Detection and Response
  • ZTA – Zero Trust Architecture

  • Other common ones:
  • APT – Advanced Persistent Threat
  • C2 – Command and Control
  • DDoS – Distributed Denial of Service
  • IAM – Identity and Access Management
  • MFA – Multi-Factor Authentication
  • NAC – Network Access Control
  • PKI – Public Key Infrastructure
  • SIEM – Security Information and Event Management
  • SOC – Security Operations Center
  • SSL – Secure Sockets Layer
  • TTP – Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures
  • VPN – Virtual Private Network
  • AES – Advanced Encryption Standard
  • CVE – Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures
  • CVSS – Common Vulnerability Scoring System
  • DLP – Data Loss Prevention
  • MITM – Man-in-the-Middle Attack
  • NIST – National Institute of Standards and Technology (security framework)
  • RAT – Remote Access Trojan
  • SOC 2 – System and Organization Controls 2 (compliance standard)
  • SASE – Secure Access Service Edge
  • TLS – Transport Layer Security (successor to SSL)

Did I miss any that you think should be added here? Let me know!
Could you pass a quiz on these acronyms if you were tested on it? Hope that helped!