vCenter 7 Update 3c – log4j remediation

  • Post category:Blog

New VMware vSphere and vCenter upgrade was released last week for version 7.0 and the installation was just as simple as any other vSphere/vCenter upgrade released in the past. I will warn you that the last task “Converting data as part of post install” did take longer than expected, specially for a small VMware environment like this one, but it finally completed after approximately 30 minutes running (DO NOT GET IMPATIENT AND LET THE UPGRADE RUN ITS COURSE! I almost did and would have simply wasted time to restore/retry the process).

Official VMware communication here

I will share below the steps I followed for the upgrade using the patch-fp (offline) ISO provided by VMware

  • Go to VMware Product Patches website here
  • Download the patch-fp ISO
  • Upload to a shared VMware datastore
  • Take a snapshot and backup of your vCenter
  • Attach the ISO to the vCenter you want to upgrade
  • Establish a SSH session to your vCenter
  • Execute the command below to start the in-place upgrade
  • software-packages install --iso
  • Accept the End User License Agreement
  • Review the status every so often in case an error pops up
  • Wait for the upgrade to successfully complete
  • In my case, it took 45 minutes to complete, and the environment is small
  • Reboot the vCenter appliance
  • Wait for the web service initialize and validate everything works

And that is all, after the reboot I proceeded to login to the VAMI interface (port 5480) to confirm all the services were healthy and the upgrade was successful…and they were.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Mor

    Thanks for that 🙂 i thought i will have to revert to snapshot.
    it finished after like 35 minutes…

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