Common Tanzu Terms

Below are some of the most common Tanzu Kubernetes acronyms that I ran into when I started this journey. Next time you hear those letters put together, you will at least be able to keep up with the conversation and have a good idea what everyone is talking about.

CNS = Cloud Native Storage. This is a feature that makes K8s aware of how to provision the on-demand storage on vSphere
PV = Persistent Volume (created by the cluster admin dynamically)
PVC = Persistent Volume Claims (created manually by Users/Devs)
CSI = Type of Storage Driver. Stands for Kubernetes Container Storage Interface
CNI = Container Network Interface. Default option in Tanzu is Antrea, but Calico Cilium are supported too.
FCD = First Class Disk. This disk is not associated with a VM and can reside on VMFS, NFS or vSAN Datastores
OCI = Open Container Initiative. Main purpose of creating open industry standards around container formats and runtimes
NCP = NSX Container Plugin. Provides integration between NSX and container orchestrators (Kubernetes, Openshift, etc)
CRX = Container Runtime for ESXi. Basically a VM that that runs a Linux kernel optimized to run containers

Vertical Growth = Increase the nodes sizes while maintaining the same amount of nodes
Horizontal Growth = Increate the number of nodes while keeping the same resources allocated to each one of them

Spherelet = It is a kubelet that is ported natively to ESXi and allows the host to become part of the K8s cluster

Disclaimer: “I am a member of the Tanzu Vanguard community. As an active member, I am passionate about Tanzu and its offerings and willingly share my knowledge and experience with the world. I am not a representative of VMware. My views are my own. If you’d like to learn more about Tanzu Vanguard, please visit”